351 | Putting down roots: how a lifelong traveler adapts to a stay-at-home world | with Lesley Murphy

351 | Putting down roots: how a lifelong traveler adapts to a stay-at-home world | with Lesley Murphy

351 | Putting Down Roots: How A Lifelong Traveler Adapts To A Stay-at-home World
What does a world traveler do during lockdown?

Lesley Murphy is a lifelong traveler (up until this past year, that is), the creator of LimitLes Travel, and so much more. The past year has changed so much for her — as it has for many of us — and we dive into all that that means for her and how she’s adapted.

In the last year, she has gotten engaged, got pregnant, and settled into a home after living as a travel blogger for years. Through all of this change, she has learned so much about herself… both in what has changed and what has stayed the same.


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