704. Wednesday Q&A: movement motivation, overcoming ego, and knowing your body in practice

704. Wednesday Q&A: movement motivation, overcoming ego, and knowing your body in practice

704. Wednesday q&a:

Welcome to Wednesday Q&A, where you ask questions, and we answer them!

In this wednesday Q&A, we answer your questions about:

How to find motivation for movement when it’s difficult, how to handle your ego as a teacher, and how to listen to your body as you practice.

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Today’s podcast sponsor: 

Herbal Face Food – Reverse sun damage and tighten the skin on your face with one of my favorite magical products, Herbal Face Food. Enter the code ‘LARA’ for 20% off!

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A smarter, safer, and more effective approach to movement.

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Let the Knees-Chest-Chin Pose Retire!
The Truth About Pigeon Pose: Why Most People Shouldn’t Keep Their Shin Parallel

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