Thalia Dorsten

Your end-of-year health audit from a physical therapist, yoga teacher and wellness coach

Happy end of the year, LYT fam! This is such a magical time of year when we celebrate, come together, reflect on the year we’ve had, and create powerful visions for the new year ahead of us.  As you read this, I’d like to invite you to take a moment to reflect on your health […]

Your end-of-year health audit from a physical therapist, yoga teacher and wellness coach Read More »

Core strengthening yoga practices

Core strengthening yoga practices in physical therapy for faster recovery

We talk about the core strength a lot in physical therapy. In PT school, clinicians learn all about the anatomy of the core including all the muscles, where they attach, their function, what nerves innervate them, how the muscles work during functional movement, the mechanics of breath, and so on.  So as you can see, the training

Core strengthening yoga practices in physical therapy for faster recovery Read More »

The psychological benefits of combining yoga

The psychological benefits of combining yoga and physical therapy

As a human being, your goals in life can really be boiled down into two things:1. Survive2. Increase your happiness I’d like to present you with two unexpected avenues that you may not have thought of to help you on your quest to survive and thrive. Yoga and physical therapy.  How do seemingly unrelated practices

The psychological benefits of combining yoga and physical therapy Read More »

Building Core Strength Through Yoga

Building core strength through yoga to bolster functional movement

Have you ever wondered why yogis can balance on their arms or hold handstands seemingly forever while simultaneously making it look easy? I certainly get entranced when I watch a yogi in the flow start to move gracefully – like dancing. Here’s the secret – graceful yogis have amazing core strength. How do I know? 

Building core strength through yoga to bolster functional movement Read More »

The Posture Debate

The posture debate

Posture doesn’t matter: what are they actually trying to say and what’s missing from this conversation We’ve all heard it before: Posture doesn’t matter. And here at LYT, we advocate that posture DOES indeed matter. If you have gone through LYT teacher training, then you understand why we advocate for posture. If you’ve taken a LYT

The posture debate Read More »

Why you should fall in love with strength training,

Why you should fall in love with strength training, even if you think it’s not for you

Our bodies adapt to the demands we place on them – Wolff’s law. This is the foundational rule for why we need resistance training. Our brains, the CEO of our body system, want their companies, our bodies, to be efficient. This means if you don’t use it, the brain says “lose it”. Therefore, if we

Why you should fall in love with strength training, even if you think it’s not for you Read More »

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