683. Monthly motivation: creative breaks are good

683. Monthly motivation: creative breaks are good

Monthly motivation:

Join Lara for a conversation about the importance of creative breaks and creativity.


We are all creative in some way – there are ways to enhance it to our benefit. In this episode, learn about:
  • How being creative impacts problem-solving.
  • The significance of creativity in human history.
  • How creativity is tied to our brain reward centers.
  • How letting the mind wander fosters creativity.

…and so much more!

To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: https://lytyoga.com/podcast/

Connect with Lara Heimann, the Redefining Movement Podcast, and the LYT Method:

  • Lara Heimann Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/lara.heimann/
  • Redefining Movement Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/redefiningyogapodcast/
  • LYT Yoga Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/lytyogamethod/


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  • Shop my favorite 100% Science-Backed Amino Acid Supplements. Enter code “LYT” to save 30%. aminoco.com/LYT

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