723. Wednesday Q&A: Cold/Heat, NeuroKinetic Therapy, & Piriformis Syndrome

723. Wednesday Q&A: Cold/Heat, NeuroKinetic Therapy, & Piriformis Syndrome

In this Wednesday Q&A, we answer your questions about to cool or heat an injury, neurokinetic therapy, and piriformis syndrome.


Your questions:

  • In case of an injury, say muscle soreness or a twisted ankle, would you still recommend ice and cooling or moderate heat?
  • What are your opinions on NeuroKinetic Therapy as a modality of physiotherapy? There seems to be a divide in opinions, curious to know what you both think!
  • Piriformis syndrome – Can you explain what it is? Exercises to help out.


To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: lytyoga.com/podcast/


Do you have a question?




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