724. Wednesday Q&A: Morning Stretches, Toe Stress Fractures, & Fitting in Exercise

724. Wednesday Q&A: Morning Stretches, Toe Stress Fractures, & Fitting in Exercise


Welcome to Wednesday Q&A, where you ask questions and we answer them!


In this Wednesday Q&A, we answer your questions about remedies morning low back pain and stiffness, advice on a stress fracture in a toe, and advice on balancing exercise amongst everything else in life.


Your questions:

  • Do you have a favorite stretch or exercise to alleviate low back pain and stiffness in the morning?
  • I recently developed a stress fracture in my 4th metatarsal. I healed quickly, but was quite surprised when it happened, as I thought my feet were relatively strong. I’ve had my LYT practice for years, and I run, hike, strength train, and do lots of plyometric work. I suspect rucking on the treadmill in my minimalist shoes contributed to the fracture. What are your thoughts on footwear for these activities? 
  • Can you give me advice on how to balance exercise with all the other activities and responsibilities in life?


To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: https://lytyoga.com/podcast/


Do you have a question?



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