684. Wednesday Q&A: handstands, intermittent back pain, & bell’s palsy

684. Wednesday Q&A: handstands, intermittent back pain, & bell’s palsy

704. Wednesday q&a:

In this Wednesday Q&A, we answer your questions about handstands, intermittent back pain, and bell’s palsy.


Listen in as we answer your questions:
  • I have a handstand question for the podcast. I am following the idea to pull the femur up and I’m quite stable in my handstand hop until I have to inhale again. Then all falls apart and I sink down. Do you guys have any tips?
  • How do I know if my intermittent back pain is a disc or a muscle?
  • One of my dearest friends’ husband has Bell’s palsy. He was bitten by a tick about two weeks ago, and shortly after he woke up looking like he had a stroke. They ruled out the stroke, thank goodness. But one side of his face is drooping and he can’t close one eye. Drinking is not easy. Whistling is out of the question. He had been told by his neurologist that it could be at least three months before any possibility of improvement occurs and that 80% of people will improve, hopefully returning to normal facial structure and nerve activity. I do not blame him for not wanting to wait and see. He is seeing an acupuncturist and after one session he felt a little better but no change. What experience do you have in treating Bell’s palsy, if any, and what are the suggestions that you have for me to pass on to them? He’s also on doxycycline for Lyme disease, but he has no symptoms other than half of his face being all kinds of droopy. He did start practicing gentle yoga online, which can only help. Of course, I believe that LYT yoga can help so much of what ails us humans. I wonder if the neuroprogramming can somehow help his face. I know it will help the rest of him and his mood too. And you never know. I really feel for him. And my friend too. Thank you.

To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: lytyoga.com/blog/category/podcasts/

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