14 | Anatomy of movement: pelvis, glutes, feet, & more | John Frank, PT

14 | Anatomy of movement: pelvis, glutes, feet, & more | John Frank, PT

14 | Anatomy Of Movement:

Today I welcome my brother, John Frank, back on the podcast. John is a physical therapist and movement specialist. (If you haven’t already, listen to John’s first episode!) I wanted to have John back on to answer questions that were sent in by you, and to further discuss movement and anatomy.

What are some recommendations you’d make for runners?

Start easy, start small, and let your body adapt to the new stresses.

Paying attention to your balance and the form of your pelvis, as well as where your knees are going, is extremely important. By practicing a single-leg stance, you can better prepare your body for the stress of running.

What do you recommend for foot pain? What are the biggest causes of foot pain?

Not wearing proper shoes, or having them available to you, is a main reason people have foot pain. Your body weight goes into your big toe the most, and it really needs to be in alignment with the rest of the arch and inner foot. When it’s pushed inward, your kneecaps become useless because your body weight isn’t being properly placed. A lot of the time, the pain can be alleviated by simple practices, such as recognizing postures and movements.

What are things that are great for the lower back in yoga, and maybe not so great?

“People with low back pain tend to have weak and/or stiff hips.”

Maintaining a more stable low back, while opening up your hips, and keeping a neutral spine while in the transitions is very important in yoga. Women tend to hyperextend and push their pelvis forward, so this is something to pay special attention to, especially if you are experiencing back pain.


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