727. Wednesday Q&A: How Much to Move, Fine-Tuning Your Core Engagement, & Stem Cell or PRP Therapies

727. Wednesday Q&A: How Much to Move, Fine-Tuning Your Core Engagement, & Stem Cell or PRP Therapies

redefining movement yoga lyt method wednesday Q&A lara heimann kristin williams physical therapy podcast


Welcome to Wednesday Q&A, where you ask questions and we answer them!


In this Wednesday Q&A, we answer your questions about how to know how much to move, strategies to help people fine-tune their core engagement, and thoughts on PRP and/or stem cell therapy. 


Your questions:

  • Can you discuss the importance of listening to your body and finding the balance between pushing yourself and practicing self-care in movement?
  • I have a lady when doing abdominals that “puffs” her belly up when she lifts up. Creating (to me) a lot of intra-abdominal pressure. I give all the cues (engage the diamond, draw lower ribs down). But nothing seems to help. What can you suggest, as I’m assuming she is putting a lot of pressure down into her pelvic floor as well.
  • I'm curious of your thoughts on stem cell and/or PRP therapy. 


To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: https://lytyoga.com/podcast/


Do you have a question?



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