634. Wednesday Q&A: recommendations for Parkinson’s diagnosis, modifications for kidney donors/recipients, & foot/ankle positioning in hip openers

634. Wednesday Q&A: recommendations for Parkinson’s diagnosis, modifications for kidney donors/recipients, & foot/ankle positioning in hip openers

704. Wednesday q&a:

Welcome to Wednesday’s Q&A, where you ask questions and we answer them!


In this Wednesday Q&A, we answer your questions about recommendations for someone diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and working hard to stay healthy post-diagnosis, how the LYT practice should be modified for kidney donors/recipients, and more information about the optimal angles of the ankle for certain hip opening poses.

Your questions:

  • I’m 52, have practiced yoga for 25 years, and got certified to teach in 2008. Have dealt with sciatica and weakness on my left side, a stiff neck and trunk, as well as dystonia in my left hand over the last few years. Was diagnosed with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease at the end of the year. As you often say, a diagnosis is a blessing and a curse. Taking carbidopa-levodopa several times a day helps with the stiffness. As the only proven strategy for slowing the progression of PD is an intense exercise, I’ve been doubling down on my LYT practice and it’s currently helping. Any other suggestions? I plan to seek out OT for my hands but feel like my PT needs are being addressed by LYT right now. Thoughts? My understanding is that PD diagnoses are on the rise, so I thought this might resonate with others.
  • I work with a couple, both in their early sixties, the woman donated her husband a kidney. The operation was last September. She suffered more. She’s literally destroyed and bloated belly. He takes strong medications to keep the organ. Would you recommend special exercises or to adapt the reset and the structure of LYT?
  • What is the foot and ankle positioning in a seated twist, easy twist, or pigeon that best supports the knee? And is it in fact causing the tibia or fibula to jam into the knee, depending on the foot and ankle?

To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: https://lytyoga.com/podcast/

Do you have a question?


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