632. Wednesday Q&A: slipped & herniated disc recommendations & high lumbar hinge

632. Wednesday Q&A: slipped & herniated disc recommendations & high lumbar hinge

704. Wednesday q&a:

Welcome to Wednesday Q&A, where you ask questions and we answer them!


In this Wednesday Q&A, we answer your questions about what exercises are appropriate for during and after recovery from both slipped and herniated discs and the impacts a large belly can have on our spine and overall movement patterns.

Your questions:

  • My husband recently tried to move a heavy chair and within less than a second he collapsed forward and couldn’t move. After visiting the ER and having an MRI, we now know that he has three herniated disks, one lower thoracic and two lumbar, and spinal degeneration. He loves exercise and in the past was a runner and loved high-intensity plyometrics. He feels as though he will never be able to do these things again. Do you have any thoughts on appropriate exercise for recovery – he loves a good sweat and core work he can do without causing back pain – and whether or not he will ever get back to where he once was?
  • I’ve slipped a disc, L5-S1. Have started physio now. What exercises would you recommend?
  • I have observed many men that get large bellies appear to have a high lumbar hinge. Is this similar to pregnant women who, during pregnancy, develop a higher lumbar hinge between T12 and L1? Is the large belly that some men develop similar to pregnancy and does it have the same effects that a pregnant belly would have?

To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: https://lytyoga.com/podcast/

Do you have a question?


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