610. Wednesday Q&A: neck pain, pillows, motivation, & cerebral stenosis

610. Wednesday Q&A: neck pain, pillows, motivation, & cerebral stenosis

704. Wednesday q&a:

Welcome to Wednesday Q&A, where you ask questions and we answer them!

In this Wednesday Q&A, we answer your questions about neck pain, pillows, motivation, and cerebral stenosis.

Your questions:

  • I woke up wrong and have a sharp neck pain around the left mid-deck area whenever I breathe. Any suggestions for relief?
  • What pillow do you recommend for neck pain that radiates up the scalp and top of the shoulder?
  • What do you do when you’re feeling unmotivated to move, work out, do your daily thing?
  • I have been recently diagnosed with cerebral stenosis. Is this a “bad diagnosis”? And what should one focus on?

To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: https://lytyoga.com/podcast/

Do you have a question?


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