576. Wednesday Q&A: breathing patterns & weightlifting

576. Wednesday Q&A: breathing patterns & weightlifting

447. Preventing Cognitive Decline Through Functional Medicine

Welcome to Wednesday Q&A, where you ask questions and we answer them!


In this Wednesday Q&A, we answer your questions about breathing patterns and weightlifting.

Your questions:

  • My dad died last week. I sat with him the three days before he passed. As he lost responsiveness halfway through the first day, he began labored breathing. The hospice nurse called it breath starvation. He was gurgling on inhaling like a wet snore. He worked steadily with each breath, as you can imagine, someone bailing a sinking boat. He had no choice but to keep at it. Whereas for a healthy person, the diaphragm descends on inhale, pushing the belly out, and rises on exhale and the belly collapses. Dad’s reversed its action. His chest rose with each struggle to inhale and his belly expanded with the exhale. The next morning, they gave him a medicine to dry him up and his breathing became less labored. And the movement of his diaphragm was less obvious. Do you know why the diaphragm reverses its movement when someone struggles to breathe?
  • When doing abdominal work, why breathe out as you lift up?
  • Is weightlifting still important to do, even if you do LYT?

To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: https://lytyoga.com/podcast/

Do you have a question?


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