536. Wednesday Q&A: si joint pain, multifidus muscle & hypermobility issues

536. Wednesday Q&A: si joint pain, multifidus muscle & hypermobility issues

447. Preventing Cognitive Decline Through Functional Medicine

Welcome to Wednesday’s Q&A, where you ask questions and we answer them!


In this Wednesday’s Q&A, we answer your questions about SI joint pain, multifidus muscle tightness, and hypermobility issues.

Your questions:

  • I’ve had left SI joint pain since last June. LYT seems to aggravate it so I stopped for a while. I’m trying to get back at it but still can’t do the high-intensity classes. What can I do?
  • My physio says my multifidus muscle is asleep so I’ve been working on it. How can I cue this muscle when I work out?
  • How do you know when or how to stretch your muscles if you generally feel tight but are hypermobile?

To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: https://lytyoga.com/podcast/

Do you have a question?


Redefining Yoga is produced and published by Crate Media.

A smarter, safer, and more effective approach

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