180 | Second act | with Barbara Majeski

180 | Second act | with Barbara Majeski

180 | Second Act
In 2015 life was going pretty well for Barbara Majeski. She was a married stay-at-home mom in New Jersey. She received a Humanitarian Award for her work advocating for children and adults with special needs. Then her marriage suddenly came to a complete crash and burn – and she was diagnosed with colon cancer.

She got to a point during her chemo treatment where she thought she wasn’t going to make it out, and started to wonder about her legacy. She listed the things she was most proud of in her life – putting herself through college, taking care of her brother with special needs, and advocating for people who didn’t have a voice.

Then she realized that taking care of her brother had given her the greatest gift – the gift of purpose. She asked the Universe to get her out of cancer and chemo so she could continue to use her voice for the greater good.

The Universe delivered, so Barbara hired a media trainer and started putting herself out there. Since then she’s appeared on media outlets like the Today Show and is building a brand about finding happiness and living a good life with purpose.

There are so many great lessons from this interview including:

  • Confronting our own mortality
  • Using your experience to help others
  • Not letting perfectionism, comparison, and fear get in our way
  • Not waiting for things to be handed to you
  • Ending a marriage with love and positivity
  • Women backing other women
  • Barbara’s upcoming podcast


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