163 | Neck posture

163 | Neck posture

163 | Neck Posture
Better posture is possible, and it can dramatically improve everything, including the way you breathe!


Everywhere I travel, I’m looking at people’s posture and I’m dying inside because of the way people’s heads are constantly tilted forward over their phone screens and computers. Text neck and the neck pain associated with it is becoming a huge problem.

Today I’m talking about how proper use of one particular muscle – the longus colli – can help you find a better position for your skull on your neck, get proper oxygen flow to your brain, and resolve tension headaches.

Tune in to hear my best exercises for strengthening this muscle and reprogramming the way you position your skull – think of it as core work for your neck.



  • Instagram: @lara.heimann
  • Facebook: facebook.com/movementbylara
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