Wednesday Q&A: shoulder blade movement, Osgood-schlatter’s knee, & working for yourself tips

Wednesday Q&A: shoulder blade movement, Osgood-schlatter’s knee, & working for yourself tips

704. Wednesday q&a:

Welcome to Wednesday Q&A, where you ask questions and we answer them!In this Wednesday Q&A, we answer your questions about the movement of the shoulder blades, Osgood-Schlatter’s knee pain, and tips about working for yourself.

Your questions:

  • I’m not clear as to how the shoulder blades need to upwardly rotate, but at the same time, I thought I’ve heard over and over again to lean into them.
  • My husband has Osgood-Schlatter’s knee in one knee. He’s had it since he was a teenager, but it has definitely become larger since we’ve been in the U.S. Is there anything he can do for it? We are hiking a lot, so maybe it’s aggravated. He started doing some yoga with me today, but found it hard being on his knees, and when we modified I think it was just too uncomfortable.
  • I’ve been working for others for a number of years in health care, and I want to work for myself. I’d love to know your tips for working for yourself.

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