618. Self-discovery & parenting with love with Eileen Grimes

618. Self-discovery & parenting with love with Eileen Grimes

618. Self-discovery & Parenting With Love

Join Lara for a conversation with the amazing Eileen Grimes, author, mother of two, and women’s leadership community leader who has a master’s degree in education. They discuss Eileen’s journey to writing her book The Us Journal: A Journey of Love and Discovery, which fosters open, heartfelt communication between parents and children, for children 5-8 years old.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • about Eileen’s journey of self-discovery.
  • some examples of conversational prompts in The Us Journal to help parents or parent figures and children more deeply connect and understand one another.
  • about how writing your own eulogy can help you to consider what success means to you and what you want to contribute to the world.



Instagram: @lara.heimann & @lytyogamethod


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