611. How to build body confidence with Janet Farnsworth

611. How to build body confidence with Janet Farnsworth

611. How To Build Body Confidence

Join Lara for a wonderful conversation with Janet Farnsworth, body confidence coach, and full-time shame buster! Janet spent 30 years as a professional therapist and has a master’s in social work specializing in women and sexual violence. She is also a somatic therapist, yoga teacher, and the creator of Ready for Intimacy — a movement-based, spiritual coaching and counseling program to help women feel comfortable and confident in their bodies so they can enjoy passionate, connected, and soul-satisfying intimacy.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • how a combination of yoga and psychology can help you feel at home in your body
  • the importance of understanding how we experience our bodies
  • what to do if that experience isn’t very positive
  • the importance of knowing how to soothe yourself

To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: lytyoga.com/blog/category/podcasts/



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