550. Wednesday Q&A: glute medius tendonitis & umbilical hernia

550. Wednesday Q&A: glute medius tendonitis & umbilical hernia

447. Preventing Cognitive Decline Through Functional Medicine

Welcome to Wednesday Q&A, where you ask questions and we answer them!

In this Wednesday Q&A, we answer your questions about glute medius tendonitis and increasing core strength with an umbilical hernia.

Your questions:

  • Have you ever talked about glute medius tendonitis on the podcast? I have pain in the right side of my right hip and it goes all along the IT band and it is painful. How do I deal with it?
  • My friend is having some pain radiating in the lower back down the leg. She’s had two c-sections, she exercises but not as much as she used to, and she was diagnosed with an umbilical hernia. Do you have any suggestions for increasing core strength with a hernia and is there anything that can be done to help the pain?

To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: lytyoga.com/blog/category/podcasts/

Do you have a question?

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