Set To Renew

Notes from Lara

What is a SET class?

By Lara Heimann

May 9, 2022

When I was traveling about 10 years ago, I created the SET class idea in my own practice.  I found that when I was away from home and traveling with my family, I didn’t have as long of a time to practice so I wanted to make it a very efficient movement experience while helping to unwind any kinks of travel or holiday activities. I begin to share the SET class during a retreat I was leading, and everyone loved it and asked me to continue teaching more SET classes in my regular class line-up. I think many people appreciate the efficiency, repetition, and overall robust movement variability and sweat(!) that a SET class provides. With the blueprint, a SET class can be tailored to any level, intensity, or duration, offering lots of flexibility and accessibility.


The blueprint starts the same as a regular LYT class, with a RESET to organize the pelvis and spine and activate the entire core musculature. It can include a Sun Sal 1 or go right into the first “set”, a series of movements that is similar to our STREAM in other classes. The set can be anywhere from 5-15 minutes, depending on the complexity and intended duration. It is repeated on both sides and then the class could be finished or another set can be added. The second set repeats the first with some changes, add-ons, or amplifications such as adding plyometrics. The second set is also repeated on both sides.


The duration and complexity of each set can be adjusted to the level and duration of the class, but no matter what, a SET class will mobilize and rejuvenate the body and spirit and set you up to feel LYT UP.


Take me to SET classes on LYT Daily!


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