Monthly Motivation

086 | Life Lessons from My Teenage Daughter

May 20, 2019

In today’s solo episode with me, I’m sharing some beautiful advice that my teenage daughter offered me when I asked her what I should share on the podcast. My daughter’s response actually shocked me; she said that I should talk about limiting children’s access to electronic devices. Listen in as I share why I do feel that this is an important topic to dive into, and what I learned from this moment with my daughter.


As parents, we are doing the best that we can– we need to continue to be mindful of what we are cultivating in our everyday lives, and in our children’s lives as well.


Questions to ask yourself:


  • What are some ways that we are hiding behind a screen?
  • Where are we not engaging in life?
  • In what areas of our life are we not moving?


My daughter took a 3 month trip last year to study in the Bahamas, and during her time away she had no access to social media. I believe that this time in her life served as a way for her to see how important true human connection is in life. So, as you go on with your day, try to remember to look up and look around more.



Today’s episode is sponsored my LYT Daily online yoga classes. This is an exclusive pass into my personal practice and program that I created from my experience as a physical therapist and 20 years developing my LYT yoga methodology. There is a different class with me everyday – including special monthly live streams – so you can feel your most LYT up – anytime and anywhere. Get a 3 day free trial today by going to and clicking “daily classes.” Let’s get moving!

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